30 Day Game Challenge # 7 – My Favourite RPG

Well this one is pretty easy. If there’s one RPG I really like to play it’s The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. I must’ve spent close to 200 hours on it playing various different classes and races. This game has so much stuff to explore, quests to complete and conversations to have. From the moment you left the prison and got past the sometimes shoddy voice acting and ugly faces this is one of the best games of the decade. I, like everyone else, especially liked the Dark Brotherhood quest line and the massive world to run around in.

Join us tomorrow for day 8!


Author: Niels Van Hellemont

Hi, my name is Niels and I'm a long time fan of movies, anime, comics, games and whatnot. Could say that I'm a bit of a fanatic when it comes to the above mentioned things. I'm currently studying for a Bachelor After Bachelor in Advanced Business Management - Human Resources Management.

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